Tech Self-Assessment for teaching

I think in regards to basic technology, I am quite proficient. In terms of more advanced work, such as coding, I definitely need help and to better educate myself. I feel confident handling technology and passing that knowledge onto my students. I did a couple different outlines on a word document for this blog, but they all seemed too hectic so while this outline is basic, I believe it reads best. I tried to think of other emerging technologies and I know there are more out there that just slipped my mind. This was a really useful task for me because given my generation, we grew up on the cusp of using technology so most of this comes naturally, but there are still weaknesses that I can improve on to bring the most to my students! 

Content and Media Creation: 

  • Strengths:

    • I can add links to other pages

    • I can add/share/embed media of various kinds (photos, video) into web pages

    • I can take digital photos

    • I can share digital photos in various ways

    • I can edit photos using photoshop and lightroom

    • I can record digital audio and video

    • I can upload video/audio to hosting sites (like YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, etc.) for easy sharing.

    •  I can share digital diagrams on web pages/social networks.

    • I can effectively help others to create and share digital content in a learning context.

  • Needs work:

    • I have never tried to embed audio into web pages, but seeing as I can add photos and videos without issue, I think I could figure this one out easily.

    • While I have created charts and diagrams before, I have never used LucidMap, Google Draw or CmapTools so I would need to explore those.

Connected Learning

  • Strengths:

    • I know how to connect with other educators via social networks to ask questions/improve my understanding about how K-12 students learn.

    • I understand ethical and privacy standards for the appropriate use of social networks in education.

    • I can effectively help others to productively collaborate and use social networks in a learning context.

  • Needs work:

    • As I am not currently in a classroom, I have not started to use social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter) for my own professional development, but I am aware of several different accounts that I have followed, but not fully investigated. 

    • I have used various social networks to support the learning of K-12 students in the past, but I think this is something that I could still grow in to max out potential for my students. 

Dealing with Data/Data Visualization

  • Strengths:

    • I can readily perform useful internet searches using text and images.

    • I can perform useful internet searches of scholarly materials relevant to education and my content area (if applicable).

    • I can effectively help others perform productive searches for reliable information.

    • I am aware of tools that are useful for creating infographics and data visualization.

  • Needs work:

    • I did take several classes that revolved around Excel, but to be honest, I forget a lot of the things they taught us so using spreadsheets effectively is something I need to work on to refresh my memory. 

    • Likewise, I know once upon a time I could create charts from the data, but need another refresher to visualize the patterns I see in data using digital tools, by creating charts, diagrams, etc.

    • Since I myself am not proficient, I am not able to effectively help others to productively find and visualize data using digital (and other) tools.

Collaboration/Annotation/ Feedback:

  • Strengths:

    • I can use collaborative document tools (such as Google Drive (Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides), and Office 365 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)) to create and collaborate on shared documents.

    • I can use these tools to annotate and leave feedback on documents of various kinds.

    • I can use collaborative white board spaces such as Mural and Padlet to collaborate with others.

    • I can use collaborative annotation tools (such as to annotate and comment upon web pages and pdf files.

    • I can effectively teach and support others to use this document, collaboration, and annotation tools in a learning context.

Computational Thinking:

  • Need to fully learn:

    • I am familiar with the key concepts of computational thinking: abstraction, decomposition, algorithms, and programming. 

    • I can effectively guide learners to explore these key concepts. 

    • I am proficient with tools (such as Scratch, TurtleBlocks, Python) that can support students to learn to code.

      • A note: I did do some coding for one of my classes, but my knowledge and understanding is very basic.

    • I can effectively teach K-12 students to productively use computational thinking skills in meaningful ways.

    • I am able to effectively integrate computational thinking skills into other content areas (e.g., math, science, ELA).


  • Strengths:

    • I understand how educational technologies can be used to support student participation, engagement, motivation, and learning.

    • I am aware of the research that provides evidence for the connections between educational technology and student participation, engagement, motivation, and learning.

Emerging Technology

  • I have used VR in the past and believe that it is useful for certain things in the classroom setting. I understand how to use it, access it, and apply it with student for educational purposes.

  • Smartboards

  • Screencasting computer screen to TV/boards in the classroom

  • Zoom/video conferencing

  • Podcasts

  • Needs Works:

    • I know TikTok is really mainstream right now. I am not sure of its educational purposes, but I know it is really popular with the kids. I am not familiar with the platform so if that were ever to be useful, I would need to figure that out.
