Google/Google Docs/
It was really fun to explore Google Docs a little more in-depth this past week. I thought I had a pretty good grasp on them, but had no idea that you could annotate within Google Docs! I have been doing that manually for years so that is nice to know. In terms of using Google/Google Docs in the classroom, I think the opportunities are endless. Docs is great if students are working on assignment/paper together. They do not necessarily need to be together to progress through the assignment. One thing I was thinking about was Google Forms. While this may not contribute to direct student collaboration, it is an important tool for gathering information for a research paper. Students could send out polls/questions to the class and receive immediate feedback. This would come as indirect student collaboration. We did some work in Jamboard which was especially great! Much like the rest of Google, Jamboard could be used for various work and student collaboration. It could be used as a...